ACS1 - Transaction Fee Standard

ACS1 is used to manage the transfer fee.


The contract inherited from ACS1 need implement the APIs below:

  • SetMethodFee, the parameter type MethodFees defined in acs1.proto indicates the method name and its fee.
  • GetMethodFee is used to get the method fee according to your input(method name).
  • ChangeMethodFeeController is used to set who has the ablitity to call SetMethodFee, and its parameter’s type AuthorityInfo is defined in authority_info.proto.
  • GetMehodFeeController is used to get who has the ablitity to call SetMethodFee.

Attention: just the system contract on main chain is able to implement acs1.


On AElf main chain, before a transactoin start to execute, a pre-transaction is generated by pre-plugin FeeChargePreExecutionPlugin. It is used to charge the transaction fee.

The generated transaction’s method is ChargeTransactionFees. The implementation is roughly like that (part of the code is omitted):

/// <summary>
/// Related transactions will be generated by acs1 pre-plugin service,
/// and will be executed before the origin transaction.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public override ChargeTransactionFeesOutput ChargeTransactionFees(ChargeTransactionFeesInput input)
    Assert(input.MethodName != null && input.ContractAddress != null, "Invalid charge transaction fees input.");

    // Primary token not created yet.
    if (State.ChainPrimaryTokenSymbol.Value == null)
        return new ChargeTransactionFeesOutput {Success = true};

    // Record tx fee bill during current charging process.
    var bill = new TransactionFeeBill();

    var fromAddress = Context.Sender;
    var methodFees = Context.Call<MethodFees>(input.ContractAddress, nameof(GetMethodFee),
        new StringValue {Value = input.MethodName});
    var successToChargeBaseFee = true;
    if (methodFees != null && methodFees.Fees.Any())
        // If base fee is set before, charge base fee.
        successToChargeBaseFee = ChargeBaseFee(GetBaseFeeDictionary(methodFees), ref bill);

    var successToChargeSizeFee = true;
    if (methodFees != null && !methodFees.IsSizeFeeFree)
        // If IsSizeFeeFree == true, do not charge size fee.
        successToChargeSizeFee = ChargeSizeFee(input, ref bill);

    // Update balances.
    foreach (var tokenToAmount in bill.FeesMap)
        ModifyBalance(fromAddress, tokenToAmount.Key, -tokenToAmount.Value);
        Context.Fire(new TransactionFeeCharged
            Symbol = tokenToAmount.Key,
            Amount = tokenToAmount.Value
        if (tokenToAmount.Value == 0)
            Context.LogDebug(() => "Maybe incorrect charged tx fee of " + tokenToAmount.Key + ": it's 0.");

    var chargingResult = successToChargeBaseFee && successToChargeSizeFee;
    var chargingOutput = new ChargeTransactionFeesOutput {Success = chargingResult};
    if (!chargingResult)
        chargingOutput.ChargingInformation = "Transaction fee not enough.";
    return chargingOutput;

In this method, the transaction fee consists of two parts:

  1. The system calls GetMethodFee(line 15) to get the transacion fee you should pay. Then, it will check whether your balance is enough. If your balance is sufficient, the fee will be signed in the bill (variant bill). If not, your transaction will be rejected.
  2. If the method fee is not set to 0 by the contract developer, the system will charge size fee. (the size if calculate by the paramter’s size)

After charging successfully, an TransactionFeeCharged event is thrown, and the balance of the sender is modified.

The TransactionFeeCharged event will be captured and processed on the chain to calculate the total amount of transaction fees charged in the block. In the next block, the 10% of the transaction fee charged in this block is destroyed, the remaining 90% flows to dividend pool on the main chain, and is transferred to the FeeReciever on the side chain. The code is:

/// <summary>
/// Burn 10% of tx fees.
/// If Side Chain didn't set FeeReceiver, burn all.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="symbol"></param>
/// <param name="totalAmount"></param>
private void TransferTransactionFeesToFeeReceiver(string symbol, long totalAmount)
    Context.LogDebug(() => "Transfer transaction fee to receiver.");

    if (totalAmount <= 0) return;

    var tokenInfo = State.TokenInfos[symbol];
    if (!tokenInfo.IsBurnable)

    var burnAmount = totalAmount.Div(10);
    if (burnAmount > 0)
        Context.SendInline(Context.Self, nameof(Burn), new BurnInput
            Symbol = symbol,
            Amount = burnAmount

    var transferAmount = totalAmount.Sub(burnAmount);
    if (transferAmount == 0)
    var treasuryContractAddress =
    var isMainChain = treasuryContractAddress != null;
    if (isMainChain)
        // Main chain would donate tx fees to dividend pool.
        if (State.DividendPoolContract.Value == null)
            State.DividendPoolContract.Value = treasuryContractAddress;
        State.Allowances[Context.Self][State.DividendPoolContract.Value][symbol] =
        State.DividendPoolContract.Donate.Send(new DonateInput
            Symbol = symbol,
            Amount = transferAmount
        if (State.FeeReceiver.Value != null)
            Context.SendInline(Context.Self, nameof(Transfer), new TransferInput
                To = State.FeeReceiver.Value,
                Symbol = symbol,
                Amount = transferAmount,
            // Burn all!
            Context.SendInline(Context.Self, nameof(Burn), new BurnInput
                Symbol = symbol,
                Amount = transferAmount

In this way, AElf charges the transaction fee via the GetMethodFee provided by ACS1, and the other three methods are used to help with the implementations of GetMethodFee.


The easiest way to do this is to just implement the method GetMethodFee.

If there are Foo1, Foo2, Bar1, Bar2 and Free methods related to business logic in a contract, they are priced as 1, 1, 2, 2 ELF respectively, and the transaction fees of these four methods will not be easily modified later, they can be implemented as follows:

public override MethodFees GetMethodFee(StringValue input)
    if (input.Value == nameof(Foo1) || input.Value == nameof(Foo2))
        return new MethodFees
            MethodName = input.Value,
            Fees =
                new MethodFee
                    BasicFee = 1_00000000,
                    Symbol = Context.Variables.NativeSymbol
    if (input.Value == nameof(Bar1) || input.Value == nameof(Bar2))
        return new MethodFees
            MethodName = input.Value,
            Fees =
                new MethodFee
                    BasicFee = 2_00000000,
                    Symbol = Context.Variables.NativeSymbol
    if (input.Value == nameof(Free))
        // Transactions of Free method will be totally free.
        return new MethodFees
            MethodName = input.Value,
            IsSizeFeeFree = true
    return new MethodFees();

This implementation can modify the transaction fee only by upgrading the contract, without implementing the other three interfaces.

A more recommended implementation needs to define an MappedState in the State file for the contract:

public MappedState<string, MethodFees> TransactionFees { get; set; }

Modify the TransactionFees data structure in the SetMethodFee method, and return the value in the GetMethodFee method.

In this solution, the implementation of GetMethodFee is very easy:

public override MethodFees GetMethodFee(StringValue input)
    return State.TransactionFees[input.Value];

The implementation of SetMethodFee requires the addition of permission management, since contract developers don’t want the transaction fees of their contract methods to be arbitrarily modified by others.

Referring to the MultiToken contract, it can be implemented as follows:

Firstly, define a SingletonState AuthorityInf(the AuthorityInf is defined in authority_info.proto)

public SingletonState<AuthorityInfo> MethodFeeController { get; set; }

Then, check the sender’s right by comparing its address with OwnerAdress.

public override Empty SetMethodFee(MethodFees input)
  foreach (var symbolToAmount in input.Fees)
     AssertValidToken(symbolToAmount.Symbol, symbolToAmount.BasicFee); 
  Assert(Context.Sender == State.MethodFeeController.Value.OwnerAddress, "Unauthorized to set method fee.");
    State.TransactionFees[input.MethodName] = input;
    return new Empty();

AssertValidToken checks if the token symbol exists, and the BasicFee is reasonable.

The permission check code is in the lines 8 and 9, and RequiredMethodFeeControllerSet prevents the permission is not set before.

If permissions are not set, the SetMethodFee method can only be called by the default address of the Parliamentary contract. If a method is sent through the default address of Parliament, it means that two-thirds of the block producers have agreed to the proposal.

private void RequiredMethodFeeControllerSet()
   if (State.MethodFeeController.Value != null) return;
   if (State.ParliamentContract.Value == null)
     State.ParliamentContract.Value = Context.GetContractAddressByName(SmartContractConstants.ParliamentContractSystemName);
   var defaultAuthority = new AuthorityInfo();
   // Parliament Auth Contract maybe not deployed.
   if (State.ParliamentContract.Value != null)
     defaultAuthority.OwnerAddress =               State.ParliamentContract.GetDefaultOrganizationAddress.Call(new Empty());
     defaultAuthority.ContractAddress = State.ParliamentContract.Value;
   State.MethodFeeController.Value = defaultAuthority;

Of course, the authority of SetMethodFee can also be changed, provided that the transaction to modify the authority is sent from the default address of the Parliamentary contract:

public override Empty ChangeMethodFeeController(AuthorityInfo input)
    var organizationExist = CheckOrganizationExist(input);
    Assert(organizationExist, "Invalid authority input.");
    State.MethodFeeController.Value = input;
    return new Empty();

The implementation of GetMethodFeeController is also very easy:

public override AuthorityInfo GetMethodFeeController(Empty input)
    return State.MethodFeeController.Value;

Above all, these are the two ways to implement acs1. Mostly, implementations will use a mixture of the two: part of methods’ fee is set to a fixed value, the other part of method is not set method fee.


Create ACS1’s Stub, and call GetMethodFee and GetMethodFeeController to check if the return value is expected.


All AElf system contracts implement ACS1, which can be used as a reference.